Author (Corporate) | European Commission: Joint Research Centre |
Publisher | European Commission |
Series Title | JRC MARS Bulletin |
Series Details | Volume 27, Number 6 |
Publication Date | June 2019 |
Content Type | Report |
Summary: At EU level, the overall yield outlook for cereals slightly improved as the downward revision for barley (most distinctly in Spain) was more than compensated by an upward revision for other cereals. Forecasts for grain maize and sunflowers were distinctly above the five-year average, reflecting the favourable conditions in large parts of south-eastern Europe. Further information: Beneficial rainfall in northern and northern-central Europe contributed to an improved outlook in regions that experienced a dry spell in April. Abundant rainfall in Italy, and southern central and eastern Europe also provided benefits in terms of improved water supply, but, combined with cold weather, hampered summer crop growth in large parts of these regions. In contrast, hot and dry conditions in the Iberian Peninsula, reduced yield expectations for the main winter crops and spring barley. Moreover, water reservoirs were at below-average fill levels, which could possibly lead to restrictions on water use for irrigation of summer crops later in the season. |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry |
Subject Tags | Agriculture |
Keywords | Cereals | Grains |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |