Author (Corporate) | European Commission: Joint Research Centre |
Publisher | European Commission |
Series Title | JRC MARS Bulletin |
Series Details | Volume 27, Number 8 |
Publication Date | August 2019 |
Content Type | Report |
Summary: The overall yield outlook for grain maize has fallen by almost 2%, mainly due to substantial downward revisions for France, Italy and Poland. The grain maize yield forecasts were now distinctly below the 5-year average for most western and northern-central European countries. In contrast, well above-average yields were expected for southern-central and south-eastern Europe, particularly for Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. Further information: The weak maize yield outlook in western and northern-central Europe was due to a combination of heatwaves (partly during flowering) and below-average rainfall since June or earlier. For the same reasons, yield forecasts for sugar beet, potatoes and green maize, which had already been below the 5-year average at EU level, were revised further downwards. The yield outlook for sunflowers remained firmly above the 5-year average. Forecasts for winter crops and spring cereals were only slightly adjusted. The season closed in most regions, and crops were harvested under adequate weather conditions. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Business and Industry |
Subject Tags | Agriculture |
Keywords | Cereals | Grains |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |