Cox blasts obscure system to appoint EU chief

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Series Details Vol.10, No.18, 20.5.04
Publication Date 20/05/2004
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By Dana Spinant

Date: 20/055/04

PAT Cox has lambasted the "opaque procedure" used to select the candidate for the most powerful post in the EU, that of European Commission president.

Speaking exclusively to European Voice, the outgoing president of the European Parliament admitted he is one of the "non-candidates" for the presidency of the Commission.

"I feature on the list of non-candidates," he quipped, adding that the discussion about Romano Prodi's successor is still in the realms of speculation, as the procedure does not involve official candidates.

Cox's name has been included on a short-list of contenders on which Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern is taking soundings from his counterparts.

But Cox said he regretted the obscure system of selection with "neither official candidates, nor programmes".

"The Parliament would like to give the appearance of a true election to the selection of the Commission president," he added.

The Irishman argued that the successful candidate in this competition should enjoy the confidence of the EU's heads of state and government, who have to agree on his or her nomination at their 17-18 June summit.

"But then, there is the other side of the coin: that person should also enjoy the confidence of the European Parliament, as by mid-July the Parliament will be requested to approve his or her nomination."

In addition, Prodi's successor should have good managerial capabilities to successfully handle a college of 25 commissioners - the biggest team in the EU executive's history.

In Cox's view, an essential requirement is that the next Commission president "moves from design to delivery", by focusing on core issues such as job creation and the economy.

Cox, who has emerged as a contender for Prodi's post after having successfully completed his two-and-a-half year term as the assembly's president, said the EU should now bring to an end "a decade-long introspection" into its functioning, after it adopts a constitution.

He urged a "lighter procedure" for the future revision of some parts of the constitution, to make sure that the EU will not continue being caught in endless ratification discussions in the future.

Such a procedure would circumvent the need for changes to be endorsed by all national parliaments or referenda across the Union.

Cox warned the EU leaders that they would have to put Europe into "campaign mode" if they want to get the constitution accepted by people in national referenda.

Ireland's most successful MEP to date, Cox took a lead role in campaigning for a 'Yes' in the Irish poll on the Nice Treaty in 2002 and in EU entry referenda in the new member states last year.

He has now indicated he would canvass for the adoption of the constitution, if asked to do so by heads of state and government.

As negotiations on a final version of the constitution enter the last round, Cox warned that cutting the budgetary powers of Parliament would not be acceptable.

"When different leaders talk in terms of red lines, this [its budgetary power] is a red line of Parliamentary anxiety."

He says he hopes that the constitution would give the assembly the last say over the adoption of the Union's budget.

Cox dismissed as unfair member states' suspicions that Parliament would not act responsibly with the EU's cash if given the power to make the final decision on the budget.

"This is contradicted by facts. Since the Parliament signed in 1998 the first inter-institutional agreement on the financial perspectives, it has been the most prudent institution with money."

Parliament would rather cut cash from proposed budgets instead of proposing increases, he explained.

Looking back on relations with the Commission during his term in office, Cox denied that the EU executive should be inhibited by the power which was conferred on Parliament to sack it.

"Parliamentary scrutiny should not be misunderstood: the Commission should not be weakened, or enfeebled.

"We need a strong Commission, but one which is accountable," he insisted.

The retiring President of the European Parliament criticises the 'opaque procedure' for selecting the President of the European Commission, for which he is one of the 'non-candidates'.

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