Convention plans to abolish veto right on foreign policy

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Series Details Vol.9, No.15, 17.4.03, p1
Publication Date 17/04/2003
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Date: 17/04/03

By Dana Spinant

EU FOREIGN policy decisions will be taken by majority voting if backed by the European Commission, under radical plans drafted by the praesidium of the Convention on EU's future.

The explosive proposal to bypass member states' veto right over foreign affairs, to be unveiled on 25 April, is set to be rejected by a number of member states, in particular the UK.

London's representative on the Convention, Peter Hain, has already warned that the "common foreign and security policy will be intergovernmental [and decided by unanimity] or will not be at all".

Under the praesidium's proposal, the Union will have a single foreign policy boss, with the title of foreign affairs minister. This post would combine the jobs currently held by Javier Solana, the high representative, and External Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten.

The minister will wear 'a double hat', as he or she will be a Commission vice-president, but will be accountable to EU governments (the Council of Ministers). The minister would be Europe's interlocutor with the United States and other third countries. "He will do what the rotating presidency does now, plus what Solana and Patten do," a Convention official said.

The Union's foreign affairs boss would draft proposals for common foreign and security policy (CFSP) actions but the Council of Ministers would take the final decision.

Although CFSP decisions will still be adopted by unanimity as a general rule, when the EU foreign minister's proposals are backed by the Commission, only qualified majority would be required in the Council.

According to Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, a member of the Convention's praesidium, this would be a crucial step forward towards creating a functioning CFSP. "We are being very ambitious. This proposal makes sense, as this way we could avoid the veto," the Spaniard said.

Another praesidium member claims the forum regained self-confidence after a period of despair following the Iraq crisis, which split the EU states.

"We left behind the difficult moment when many were thinking of throwing in the towel. We [the praesidium] had to roll up our sleeves and be ambitious."

The praesidium's draft, seen by European Voice, also proposes that the Commission's delegations in third countries be transformed into fully fledged EU embassies.

These would represent both the European institutions and "those member states that so wish", but would not replace member states' embassies. They would answer to the foreign affairs minister.

The draft proposes that the foreign minister be allowed to use the seat of one of the EU states on the UN Security Council, when conveying a message from the Union. This will disappoint some Convention members, who had hoped for the EU to be given a single seat on the Security Council.

However, a Convention official explained this is not something the forum has the power to do. "First, France and the UK would have to agree to give up their seat on the Security Council, which has not happened. Second, the question has bigger implications, as it would change the balance of power within the forum. That can only be done in a framework of a global reform of the Security Council," he said.

The praesidium's proposal on CFSP is set to cause turmoil in the national capitals, as a number of member states will oppose introducing majority voting in this sensitive area.

However, a praesidium insider says the plan is a compromise. "We cannot build a CFSP on unanimity voting. But it is also clear that it is an illusion to think that member states will accept majority voting over foreign affairs. Therefore, what we suggest is a compromise. But an ambitious one," he said.

The European Convention is expected to proposed that EU foreign policy decisions should be taken by majority voting if backed by the European Commission when it announces its proposals for the future of the EU's CFSP on 25 April 2003.

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