Constitutional Treaty for Europe agreed, June 2004

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Publication Date June 2004
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At the European Council, Brussels, 17-18 June 2004 the Member States of the EU agreed on a text for a 'Constitutional Treaty for Europe' (called by some the 'European Constitution'). This is the culmination of a process of consultation and negotiation that began with the work of the Convention on the Future of Europe in 2002-03 and the subsequent Intergovernmental Conference 2003-04. Following legal and linguistic checking the Member States will formally sign the Treaty during the autumn of 2004. Ratification of the Treaty in each of the Member States will then need to take place, a process that could take place up to two years. Only then will the Treaty come into force. A number of Member States intend to have a referendum to seek popular sanction for the new Treaty.

EU: Legislation and Policy Making

Text of the Constitutional Treaty for Europe, June 2004 (comprises consolidated version of the Draft Treaty and amendments made in June 2004)(CIG 87/04)

EU: Background

Council IGC 2003-04 website with links to all key documents and other background information
European Commission: Futurum: Summary of the Constitutional Treaty
European Commission: Futurum: Website on the 'Future of the European Union' debate
European Economic and Social Committee: Press Release, 22 June 2004
European Commission (et al): A Constitution for Europe: 1000 debates for Europe
European Commission: PowerPoint presentation of the Constitution for citizens, July 2004

National/regional/local official organisation

European Commission: Futurum: Page offering links to statements made by EU Member State and candidate countries government leaders after the June 2004 agreement

Stakeholder organisation

Centre for European Reform: Briefing Note: The EU Constitutional Treaty: the final deal, June 2004
COPA / COGECA: Press Release: Welcome the decision about the new Constitution for Europe, June 2004
AMCHAM EU: Press Release: Applauds adoption of Constitutional Treaty as step towards more transparency, June 2004
Socialist Group: Press Release: One small step for the Heads of State and of Government, but a giant leap for Europe - the EU gets its own Constitution, June 2004
ELDR Group: Press Release: EU constitution 'safely out of the blocks but has a marathon still to run', June 2004
EPP-ED Group: Press Release: A historic achievement for Europe, June 2004
Greens/EFA Group: Press Release: Agreement on a constitution for Europe. Constitution is both a noisy defeat and a quiet revolution, June 2004
The European Policy Centre: Light and Shade of a quasi-Constitution: an assessment (EPC Issue Paper, No.14, June 2004) (search for Giovanni Grevi)
UEAPME: Press Release: Welcomes deal on Constitution but regrets failure to oust unanimity vote on tax issues, June 2004
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS): Council voting in the Constitutional Treaty: Devil in the details, June 2004
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS): Counting the Constitutional Blessings, June 2004
Britain in Europe: Briefing on the draft EU Constitutional Treaty, June 2004
Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA): The Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe: An Overview, June 2004
The EU Constitution: reader friendly edition (, September 2004) Highlights key words in Constitutional Treaty
European Students' Forum: Press Release: AEGEE-Europe expresses satisfaction over new European Constitution, June 2004
Bruges Group: The Brussels Agreement on the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe: A "user-friendly" analysis, June 2004
European Policy Centre: What if the Constitutional Treaty is not ratified?, (Commentary, June 2004) (search for Lucia Serena Rossi)
UNICE: Press Release: European Council 17-18 June 2004: UNICE reaction, June 2004
Eurochambres: Press Release: Welcomes historic deal on constitution and the capability to act of the EU25, June 2004

Commercial publisher and media

Eurosceptics: 'We will be Trojan Horse against constitution' (European Voice, 01.07.04)
The European Union's troubles. Stability and instability (The Economist, 17.07.04)
An EU constitutional primer. What it all means (The Economist, 26.06.04)
European Union. The right verdict on the constitution (The Economist, 26.06.04)
The European union summit: A difficult birth (The Economist, 26.06.04)
EU agrees historic constitution (BBC News, 18.06.04)
EU text to be signed in October (BBC News, 12.07.04)
EU's constitution date announced (BBC News, 02.07.04)
Pioneer groups can drive JHA integration (European Voice, 22.07.04)
Changes under the new treaty (European Voice, 24.06.04)
Constitution paves way for 'core-Europe' (European Voice, 24.06.04)
Constitution a hard-won compromise (BBC News, 18.06.04)
'Treaty will ruin competitiveness' (European Voice, 24.06.04)
Element of uncertainty added to treaty's future (Financial Times, 14.07.04)
Q&A: EU - myths and realities (BBC News, 22.06.04)


The Civil Society Contact Group: Press Release: Citizens read between the lines: There is a deal but not a future vision for Europe! June 2004

Related Publications


Eriksen, Erik Oddvar (et al., eds): Developing a Constitution for Europe (Routledge, 2004, ISBN: 0-415-32194-8. Price: £65)

Find further information on the subject of this week's In Focus.

Ian Thomson
Executive Editor, European Sources Online
Compiled: 20 September 2004

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