Author (Corporate) | Presidency of the Council of the European Union |
Publisher | Finland: Presidency of the Council of the European Union |
Publication Date | 19/11/2019 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
Summary: The Presidency of the Council of the European Union adopted a set of conclusions on 19 November 2019, following a review of the Council's annual rule of law dialogue. Further information: The Council of the European Union decided in November 2016 that the rule of law dialogue in the Council should be re-evaluated by the end of 2019. The conclusions suggest that the thematic discussions that form part of the Council's rule of law dialogue should be developed into a more general annual debate on the state of the rule of law within the European Union (EU), covering all member states and capturing positive and negative trends. A set of conclusions was discussed by the Council following the review undertaken. In the absence of consensus on the text, the Council Presidency decided to issue its own conclusions based on the version of the draft Council conclusions presented to the national delegations. It is noted that text was supported or not objected to by 26 delegations. Member states supporting the conclusions also agree that the yearly stocktaking could make use of the European Commission’s planned annual rule of law reports, whilst calling upon the Commission to closely involve the member states in their preparation. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Law |
Subject Tags | Rule of Law |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |