Competitiveness and Private Sector Development: Ukraine 2011

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-64-12878-1
Content Type

This review of competitiveness and private sector development in the Ukraine provides a solid base for policy analysis and gives recommendations with immediate relevance and applicability. It includes diagnosis and policy actions for policy makers and advisors, offering policy responses to underpin economic diversification, enhanced competitiveness and private sector development. Finally, the book applies an innovative framework to identify barriers that hinder the development of selected sectors. It offers the design and suggests ways to implement specific policies to remove those barriers, including the selection and business analysis of Ukraine's most attractive sectors in terms of competitiveness and FDI appeal.

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Approach and methodology
-The definition of competitiveness
-Identifying sectors for intervention
-A prioritisation framework to select policy recommendations for the implementation phase

Chapter 2. Economic overview
-A country with abundant natural resources and a well qualified labour force
-After struggling immediately following independence, the Ukrainian economy enjoyed a period of robust growth
-The global financial crisis highlighted existing weaknesses
-Economic activity relied mainly on agriculture and highly energy intensive industries
Chapter 3. 2011 OECD Investment Policy Review of Ukraine – Key findings
-General investment policy recommendations
-Suggested measures to improve the investment climate

Chapter 4. Agribusiness
-Sector definition and segmentation
-Global trends
-The role of foreign investors along the agribusiness value-chain
-Ukraine agribusiness sector at a glance
-Why focus on the grain and dairy sub-sectors
-Stakeholder consultations
Chapter 5. Focus on the grain value chain
-Sub-sector definition and segmentation
-Global trends
-Sources of competitiveness
-The role of foreign investors in the grain value chain
-Key issues and policy barriers
-Policy recommendations
Chapter 6. Focus on the dairy value chain
-Sub-sector definition and segmentation
-Global trends
-Sources of competitiveness
-The role of foreign investors in the dairy sector
-Key issues and policy barriers
-Policy recommendations
Chapter 7. Energy-efficiency and renewable technologies: Focus on production of energy based on biomass
-Why focus on production of energy based on biomass
-Sector definition and segmentation
-Global trends
-Sources of competitiveness
-The role of foreign investors in the biomass value chain
-Key issues and policy barriers
-Policy recommendations
Chapter 8. Machinery and transport equipment: Focus on civilian aircraft manufacturing
-Why focus on civilian aircraft manufacturing
-Sector definition and segmentation
-Global trends
-Sources of competitiveness
-The role of foreign investors in the civilian aircraft value chain
-Key issues and policy barriers
-Policy recommendations
Conclusion and roadmap for implementation phase
-A roadmap for creating a favourable business environment and attracting investment
-Targeted interventions are recommended to build long-term capabilities in promising sectors

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