- Commission adopts Jurisdictional Notice under the Merger Regulation by Johannes LÜBKING
- The application of Articles 81 and 82 EC in the sport sector by Andreas STEIN and Philip KIENAPFEL
- Public procurement and State aid control — the issue of economic advantage by Nóra TOSICS and Norbert GAÁL
Opinions and comments
- Territorial restrictions and profit sharing mechanisms in the gas sector: the Algerian case by Eleonora WÄKTARE
- Margin squeeze in the Spanish broadband market: a rational and profitable strategy by Jean-Christian LE MEUR, Iratxe GURPEGUI and Katja VIERTIÖS
- OTE is calling: Who’s going to pick up this call? Is it for the State? — Reflexions on the recent Commission’s State aid decision by Lambros PAPADIAS
- Intellectual property rights in standard setting from a competition law perspective by Grazyna PIESIEWICZ and Ruben SCHELLINGERHOUT
- The judgment of the Court of First Instance in the Microsoft case by Thomas KRAMLER, Carl-Christian BUHR, Devi WYNS
- Commission brings air transport in line with other industries by phasing out the block exemptions that have existed in this sector since 1988 by Hubert BEUVE-MÉRY and Michal STRUK
- The Court of First Instance confirms Duales System Deutschland’s abuse of dominance in the packaging recycling system by Michael GREMMINGER and Gerald MIERSCH
- Four decisions bind DaimlerChrysler, Fiat, Toyota and General Motors to commitments to give independent repairers proper access to repair information by John CLARK and Anna NYKIEL-MATEO
- Commission fines Dutch brewers over €273 million for a beer cartel by Geert WILS
Merger control
- Mergers: Main developments between 1st May and 31st August 2007 by Mary LOUGHRAN and John GATTI
- Ryanair/Aer Lingus: Even “low-cost” monopolies can harm consumers by Richard GADAS, Oliver KOCH, Kay PARPLIES and Hubert BEUVE-MERY
- Econometric and survey evidence in the competitive assessment of the Ryanair-Aer Lingus merger by Miguel DE LA MANO, Enrico PESARESI and Oliver STEHMAN
- The Court of First Instance confirms clearance of the Apollo / Akzo Nobel IAR merger by Enrique SEPULVEDA GARCIA
- Universal / BMG: Market power of music publishers in view of evolutions in digital music publishing by Johannes LÜBKING, Sandra KIJEWSKI, Franck DUPONT, Bertrand JEHANNO and Peter EBERL
State aid
- Transparency system for large regional investment projects by Leen DE VREESE
- Facing the challenges of globalisation: aid to outward foreign direct investment projects (cases Cordex, Orfama and Djebel) by Graça DA COSTA
- Soutien de l’agence française de l’innovation industrielle au programme TVMSL: deuxième aide individuelle approuvée en application du nouvel encadrement communautaire des aides d’État à la recherche, au développement et à l’innovation par Jean-Charles DJELALIAN et Isabelle NEALE-BESSON
- State aid aspects of the EU Emission Trading Scheme: the second trading period by Anne Theo SEINEN
- Enforcement of State aid control in the banking sector: BAWAG-PSK by Martin LOEFFLER and Daniel BOESHERTZ
- Livrets A et bleu: la Commission demande à la France de supprimer les droits spéciaux de distribution attachés à ces produits par Christophe DU PAYRAT
- Le nouveau dispositif de participation de l’État français au financement de la protection sociale complémentaire de ses agents: une aide à caractère social compatible avec le marché commun par Barbara JANKOVEC
- Municipal wireless networks and State aid rules: Insights from “Wireless Prague” by Norbert GAAL, Lambros PAPADIAS and Alexander RIEDL
Information section