Competition Policy Must Reflect Europe’s Reality, Not Its Aspirations

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Publication Date October 2024
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Two major reports on the EU by former Italian prime ministers, Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, painted a dire picture of the bloc’s economic prospects.  Europe had doggedly low productivity growth, meaning it was struggling to become more efficient and produce more value for each hour worked. One reason was that established European firms were not using new technologies or innovating much themselves, while small and innovative firms were often unable to grow. Letta and Draghi concluded that one way to partly solve the problem would be for the European Commission to think more about innovation and growth in enforcing competition policy. The author argues that the EU needed first to reform its economic model by boosting capital markets and completing the single market. Reforms to competition law should follow the completion of those projects.

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EPRS Briefings: Sept 2024: EU competitiveness: Issues and challenges

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