Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Report on competition policy 2013

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2014) 249 final (06.05.14)
Publication Date 06/05/2014
Content Type ,

In 2013, there have been encouraging signs that an economic recovery is underway in Europe. Policy actions undertaken at EU level contributed to start restoring confidence and creating the basis for returning to a growth path. However, efforts should not be relaxed. If the EU wants to leave the legacy of the crisis behind and re-launch the European economy, it needs to go further. What Europe needs are structural adjustments, an efficient allocation of resources, and productivity growth. Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth remains at the core of Europe’s policy agenda for the decade. Boosting competitiveness across the EU is paramount for reaching that objective.

2013 saw two important milestones for EU competition policy. Firstly, Regulation 1/2003, when adopted, ushered in a new era in the enforcement of EU antitrust rules and has now, a decade later, led to a stocktaking and reflection for further improvements. Secondly, on 11 June, the Commission adopted a Proposal for a Directive on antitrust damages actions – a long-awaited measure by stakeholders and a policy priority for the current Commission. The debate about those issues – and those that this Report will address – have animated the continuous structured dialogue between the Commission and the European Parliament throughout the year (see section 8 on Competition Dialogue with Other Institutions and, for further detail, the Commission Staff Working Document (SWD) accompanying this Report).

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: SWD(2014)148: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report
EUR-Lex: COM(2014)249: Follow the progress of this communication through the decision-making procedure
EU Bookshop: Download this report from the EU Bookshop
ESO: Background information: Competition: Annual report shows how competition policy contributes to boosting competitiveness

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