Communication: Annual accounts of the European Development Fund 2014

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2015) 379 final (23.7.15)
Publication Date 23/07/2015
Content Type ,

The European Union (EU) has cooperative development relations with a large number of developing countries. The main objective is to promote economic, social and environmental development, with the primary aim of reducing and eradicating poverty in the long-term, by providing beneficiary countries with development aid and technical assistance.

To achieve this, the EU draws up, jointly with the partner countries, cooperation strategies and mobilises the financial resources to implement them. These EU resources allocated to development cooperation come from three sources:
- The EU budget;
- The European Development Fund;
- The European Investment Bank.

The European Development Fund (EDF) is the main instrument for providing EU aid for development cooperation to the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).

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Countries / Regions