Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Series Title | COM |
Series Details | (2015) 192 final (6.5.15) |
Publication Date | 06/05/2015 |
Content Type | Policy-making, Report |
The global economy is rapidly becoming digital. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is no longer a specific sector but the foundation of all modern innovative economic systems. The Internet and digital technologies are transforming the lives we lead, the way we work – as individuals, in business, and in our communities as they become more integrated across all sectors of our economy and society. These changes are happening at a scale and speed that bring immense opportunities for innovation, growth and jobs. They also raise challenging policy issues for public authorities which require coordinated EU action. All Member States are wrestling with similar problems but on a national basis which is too limited to allow them to seize all the opportunities and deal with all the challenges of this transformational change. For many issues the European level offers the right framework. That is why the European Commission has set the creation of a Digital Single Market as one of its key priorities. A Digital Single Market is one in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured and where individuals and businesses can seamlessly access and exercise online activities under conditions of fair competition, and a high level of consumer and personal data protection, irrespective of their nationality or place of residence. Achieving a Digital Single Market will ensure that Europe maintains its position as a world leader in the digital economy, helping European companies to grow globally. Europe has the capabilities to lead in the global digital economy but we are currently not making the most of them. Fragmentation and barriers that do not exist in the physical Single Market are holding the EU back. Bringing down these barriers within Europe could contribute an additional €415 billion to European GDP. The digital economy can expand markets and foster better services at better prices, offer more choice and create new sources of employment. A Digital Single Market can create opportunities for new start-ups and allow existing companies to grow and profit from the scale of a market of over 500 million people. This Digital Single Market Strategy has benefitted from input and dialogue with Member States, the European Parliament and stakeholders. It has a multi-annual scope and is focused on key interdependent actions that can only be taken at EU level. They have been chosen to have maximum impact, can be delivered during this Commission's mandate, and will be taken forward in line with Better Regulation principles. Each action will be subject to appropriate consultation and impact assessment. The Digital Single Market Strategy will be built on three pillars: |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry, Internal Markets |
Countries / Regions | Europe |