Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Series Details | COM (2018) 846 |
Publication Date | 07/12/2018 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
Summary: On 7 December 2018 the European Commission presented an Action Plan to enable the European Union to continue fighting illegal tobacco trade, a phenomenon that deprives it and its Member States of roughly €10 billion of public revenue every year. The Action Plan outlines concrete steps to address both the supply of and the demand for illegal tobacco products. Further information: The illicit tobacco trade has been a major concern for the EU and Member States for some time, on account of fiscal, health and security concerns. To tackle this phenomenon the EU adopted in 2013 a comprehensive strategy, accompanied by a first action plan which was implemented in close cooperation with Member States. In May 2017 the Commission reported on progress in implementing the strategy and the action plan. In essence, the report noted that despite the many measures taken since 2013, the challenge posed by the illicit tobacco trade remained as preoccupying as it had been in the past. The EU and its Member States had no choice but to continue to address the threat from illicit tobacco and its changing patterns with determination. With its combination of strong legislative responses, robust law enforcement and enhanced cooperation at national, European and international levels, the 2013 strategy remained relevant. The Commission concluded that based on the analysis presented and further dialogue with stakeholders, it would complete its review of the strategy and decide on the appropriate follow-up in 2018. In light of the various contributions made, and in view of the persistent nature of the problem posed by the illicit tobacco trade, the Commission has decided to put forward a new action plan. It builds on the analysis of the 2013 strategy and ensures continuity by keeping focus on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Protocol at the global level as well as on the successful implementation of the new traceability system for tobacco products in the EU. These two items are set to remain the key elements of the EU's policy action in this area in the long term. Moreover, like its predecessor, the second action plan puts forward both policy and operational law enforcement measures since only a combination of these is liable to lead to a sustainable reduction in illicit tobacco trade. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Subject Tags | Police | Judicial Cooperation |
Keywords | Illegal Trade | Smuggling, Tobacco |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |