Commission to discuss curbs on top advisers

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.4, No.19, 14.5.98, p8
Publication Date 14/05/1998
Content Type

Date: 14/05/1998

By Rory Watson

EUROPEAN Commissioners will be asked next week whether they would agree to the introduction of a code of conduct for their personal advisers.

The move aims to ease one of the major sources of friction within the institution by limiting the right of Commissioners' cabinets to interfere in the work of individual departments.

In addition, new rules might be introduced to reduce the size of future cabinets and require Commissioners to appoint a broader mix of nationalities.

The suggestions are contained in an initial reflection paper drafted by Commission Secretary-General Carlo Trojan and due to be examined by President Jacques Santer and his colleagues next Wednesday (20 May).

Entitled Tomorrow's Commission, it is designed to prompt some soul-searching within the institution on its role after 2000 and on the best administrative structure to enable it to carry out those tasks. Trojan, who carried out a similar but less ambitious exercise a decade ago, is determined to consult staff as widely as possible.

Under the timetable it has set itself, the Commission intends to draw up concrete plans for a new internal structure by the middle of next year. These would then be agreed by the 20 existing members in conjunction with the new president designate of the Commission, and be implemented from 2000.

According to Trojan's analysis, the Commission has no option but to adapt to the new challenges presented by globalisation, enlargement, and scientific and technological changes.

Internally, the Union will now have to come to terms with meeting increased public expectations in policy areas ranging from employment to foreign relations and with implementing, rather than drafting, legislation.

Restrictions on financial and human resources will force the EU to manage its policies more effectively, and it will have to respond to demands for greater openness and more consultation.

The discussion paper reflects the growing view within the Commission that the Union should be selective, concentrating on the essential issues in each policy field, and use non-legislative measures ranging from networks to peer pressure to achieve its goals in sensitive areas such as employment and health.

An outline of the new Commission structure to handle these tasks is gradually emerging. It has already been agreed that the president will enjoy an enhanced status and role compared to his colleagues. It is also likely that overall responsibility for coordinating external relations and economic and monetary affairs will be given to the two vice-presidents.

In addition, there is growing support for reorganisation of the Commission's 23 directorates-general, various task forces and services. Some of these were split up some years ago to create sufficiently weighty portfolios for some of the more junior Commissioners. But it is now felt these artificial divisions disrupt rather than enhance policy-making.

Report of a reflection paper called 'Tomorrow's Commission', by Commission Secretary-General Carlo Trojan.

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