Commi-Contact. A detailed directory of the European Commission Services, 5th ed.

Publication Date 1998
Content Type

Commi-Contact. The detailed directory of the European Commission Services, 1998 ed. (5th ed.):
'Commi-Contact' is a detailed directory of over six thousand officials who work in the European Commission listed by department For each official named full contact information is given, including current physical location in Brussels or elsewhere, telephone and fax numbers. To that extent 'Commi-Contact' is like a number of other sources both from the Commission itself and other commercial publishers, although the indication of full telephone and fax numbers, including all codes from outside Belgium, is also a particularly welcome feature.

What is valuable and different about 'Commi-Contact' and is its genuine selling point is the brief job description that is given for each named official. This goes beyond the formal job title given in many other directories and lists more precisely the actual responsibilities of the people named. Added to this is a detailed keyword subject index to allow you to find the official responsible. There is also an alphabetical index to all the named officials. 'Commi-Contact' serves a really useful function and should be considered by all organisations and information services that need to be in regular contact with officials in the European Commission. Separate editions are available in English or French.

Commi-Contact. The detailed directory of the European Commission Services, 1998 ed. (5th ed.)
Lobby Sources Europe, 1998
Price: 12,000 BFr

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