Cohesion of America and Europe is giving terrorists more than they bargained for

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.7, No.46, 13.12.01, p10
Publication Date 13/12/2001
Content Type

Date: 13/12/01

The powerful tradition of transatlantic cooperation has been hugely strengthened in the three months since 11 September. There must be no going back to the 'old routines' if terrorism is to be eliminated, writes Rock Schnabel (above), US Ambassador to the EU

AS THE perpetrators of global terrorism surveyed the state of the world on 12 September, one can suppose that they felt that they had scored a major victory.

They had operated a stealthy global terrorist network under the noses of governments on both sides of the Atlantic; the world's economy appeared likely to be seriously shaken; and any Western military response seemed difficult to imagine. How easy then to believe that the terrorists' affront to governments everywhere would go unpunished.

This week, as we mark the third-month anniversary of those attacks, the tide has turned dramatically against the terrorists - and not just on the battlefield in Afghanistan.

The reality is that none of the terrorists' main objectives has been realised. Far from being cowed by 11 September, the worldwide diplomatic coalition has mustered the resolve to fight terrorism as never before.

The global economy, though weakened, has not collapsed - indeed our resilient stock markets are signalling renewed confidence.

And governments around the world have moved with new speed and coordination to disrupt the terrorists' networks and track down their members.

What has been behind the astonishingly rapid success of the global reaction to terrorism?

Obviously, the unexpectedly swift military success in Afghanistan has been essential. But if military success was necessary, it could not of itself have been sufficient if the world community had not maintained its self-confidence and cohesion.

On that score, I believe the world owes much - more than commentators have noted - to the powerful tradition of transatlantic cooperation.

Consider all that we've accomplished together in the last three months. Domestically, our law enforcement agencies and ministries, despite the real challenges posed by differing legal systems, have made crucial advances in cooperation that will make it much harder for terrorists to operate in the future.

Last week, I signed an historic agreement in the presence of Secretary of State Colin Powell and European justice and interior ministers to allow US and Europol law enforcement officials to share strategic information directed against terrorists and organised crime figures.

We have also beefed up airline security and frozen terrorist-related financial assets on both sides of the Atlantic. Economically, US and European determination made it possible for the World Trade Organisation ministerial not only to take place as planned but to launch a new round - thereby giving the world economy a powerful vote of confidence. Diplomatically, US and EU teams have shuttled continuously through the Middle East and Asia, rallying new allies to the coalition and demonstrating our collective resolve to find solutions for a troubled region.

These are all singular achievements, realised in a remarkably short period. What conclusions can we draw from this experience?

First, sceptics to the contrary, both European and American governments - when confronted with such a compelling goal of domestic security - can respond with unforeseen energy and focus.

Our daily experience with policy-makers and experts throughout the EU institutions has shown us that, when our principles coincide, we can find flexible solutions to the distinctive differences in our legal and political systems.

The second lesson is closely linked: US-European collaboration has been effective in the post-11 September period because we have drawn upon existing well-honed habits of cooperation - beginning with regular meetings

of our chiefs of state and key ministries which are backed by exchanges by literally thousands of officials in virtually every agency at every level. From diplomacy to law enforcement, these relationships, unnoticed in normal times, are the glue that makes the transatlantic relationship unique.

The third lesson, however, is also a warning: that it is far too soon to let our relationship slip back into old routines.

If our children today are to grow up to be free of the menace of terrorism - and that must be our ultimate objective - much more remains to be done.

The military campaign is only a start to a more comprehensive solution. We must ensure greater political stability through, for example, the rapid delivery of humanitarian and reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan, where the US and Europe will inevitably be among the leading donors.

Beyond Afghanistan, we will need to push forward to achieve the promises made in Doha for new market liberalisation of benefit to rich and poor nations alike.

There is yet much to be done to eliminate terrorist operations within our own countries. Differing legal systems and approaches to the protection of civil liberties, both among EU member states and between the US and Europe, have hampered full collaboration.

The EU's planned introduction of a Europe-wide arrest warrant should expedite the prompt transfer of alleged terrorists among the 15 member states to stand trial.

If governments are to protect society from new attacks, we must find creative ways to give law enforcement authorities the tools they need while safeguarding individual liberties.

Although the terrorists seemed to have anticipated paralysis in our societies, just the opposite has occurred.

The worldwide coalition and the close cooperation between the US and Europe have set us on a course to eradicate terrorism.

Major feature. The powerful tradition of transatlantic cooperation has been hugely strengthened in the three months since 11 September 2001. There must be no going back to the 'old routines' if terrorism is to be eliminated, says author, who is US Ambassador to the EU.

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