Citizens’ dialogues as a contribution to developing a European public space

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2014) 173 final (24.03.14)
Publication Date 24/03/2014
Content Type ,

As Europe is overcoming the financial and economic crisis, more and more decisions that have a direct impact on people’s lives are taken at European level. This is therefore the moment to start a reflection on how to further strengthen the democratic structures of our Union. Before Europe implements the big reforms this will require, national and European politicians need to have a broad debate with citizens about what our future Europe should look like. This has to be a truly European debate, with citizens at its centre.

That is why the European Commission has tested and developed a new communication tool to complement existing instruments that involve people directly: Citizens' Dialogues. The concept builds on the model of "town hall meetings" or local fora during which politicians listen to and debate with citizens about policies and decisions being taken.

All in all, 51 Citizens' Dialogues have been held in all Member States. 22 out of 28 European Commissioners participated usually together with representatives of the European Parliament and national or local politicians. This gave the Citizens’ Dialogues a real European dimension, which is enhanced by the fact that in many Member States, similar debates are now being organised at the national, regional and local level.

The series of more than 50 Dialogues started in September 2012 and continued into March 2014, framing the European Year of Citizens and placing the debates at the heart of the European Year's aims: marking the 20th anniversary of the introduction of EU citizenship with the Maastricht Treaty and preparing the ground for the European Parliament elections in May 2014. This will be a crucial moment for citizens to decide which course they want Europe to take.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Future of Europe debate: Pan-European Dialogue in Brussels brings together citizens from all EU countries
European Commission: DG Communication: Citizens' Dialogues as a Contribution to Developing a European Public Space, 2014
European Commission: DG Communication: Citizens' Dialogues: It's about Europe. It's about you;pgid=Iq1Ekni0.1lSR0OOK4MycO9B0000Mwq3pzku;sid=UWkubf5FQgwubKpc3ruwypxgVroovrMmTxs=?FileName=NA0414466ENC_002.pdf&SKU=NA0414466ENC_PDF&CatalogueNumber=NA-04-14-466-EN-C

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