Author (Person) | Coulter, Angela |
Publisher | Bertelsmann Foundation |
Publication Date | 2017 |
Content Type | Overview |
Summary: Choosing Wisely was initiated by the ABIM Foundation (Foundation of the American Board of Internal Medicine) of the United States. The initiative started in 2012 with the aim of promoting a nationwide dialogue on how to avoid unnecessary medical diagnosis and treatment procedures. Quickly, the idea spread to other countries. Today there are Choosing Wisely initiatives in Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, Wales and the United States. The groups in these countries have gained valuable experience in how to change clinical practice in order to foster shared decision making and avoid overuse. This shared experience could be a valuable guide for similar initiatives in Germany. This overview of the British care researcher Dr. Angela Coulter • describes the background, context and philosophy of Choosing Wisely • provides an overview of the activities of different Choosing-Wisely groups, • evaluates the overall concept and impact of Choosing Wisely, • describes effective strategies, methods, challenges and success factors which are to be considered in the preparations for a Choosing-Wisely-campaign in Germany. |
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Subject Categories | Health |
Subject Tags | Medicines | Medical Devices |
Keywords | Choosing Wisely movement |