Capabilities, capabilities, capabilities

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.3, Autumn 2002
Publication Date September 2002
ISSN 0255-3813
Content Type ,

A series of articles under the theme of 'capabilities'. James Appathurai examines the nature of the military capabilities gap in NATO and initiatives to overcome it. Edgar Buckley considers prospects for NATO's new capabilities initiative to be unveiled at the Prague Summit, November 2002. In advance of NATO's Prague Summit, Secretary General Lord Robertson explains why security must not be taken for granted. General Rainer Schuwirth analyses EU efforts to develop military capabilities and meet the Helsinki Headline Goal. In a debate feature Yves Boyer versus Burkard Schmitt ask 'Can and should Europe bridge the capabilities gap'? Andrew Cottey, Timothy Edmunds and Anthony Forster examine military reform in Central and Eastern Europe and the capabilities of potential NATO members

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