Cameron under pressure over new EU ambassador

Series Title
Series Details 19.08.13
Publication Date 19/08/2013
Content Type

The UK House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee (Chairman: Bill Cash) requested permission in August 2013 to ‘vet’ the candidate set imminently to replace Britain's Permanent Representative to the European Union in Brussels.

EurActiv reported that pre-appointment hearings are a familiar feature of the American political system but that they were only beginning to gain ground in the UK.

The Independent reported that for Eurosceptic Conservative MPs, David Cameron could barely have made a more provocative choice in choosing Ivan Rogers – the former chief adviser to their pro-EU hate figure, Kenneth Clarke – to be the UK’s next ambassador to the EU in Brussels, with the task of renegotiating Britain’s place within the organisation.

Ivan Rogers was formally named as the new UK Representative to the EU on the 4 September 2013.

Source Link
Related Links
Wikipedia: Ivan Rogers
The Independent, 06.08.13: David Cameron chooses ‘Europhile’ Ivan Rogers to represent UK in Brussels
UK: Government: People: Ivan Rogers
EurActiv, 05.09.13: Cameron faces eurosceptic backlash over new Brussels ambassador
UK: FCO: UK Representation to the EU Brussels

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