Businesses seek upfront role in future development policy

Series Title
Series Details 27.03.13
Publication Date 27/03/2013
Content Type

Business associations in Europe and other advanced countries were seeking to put their imprint on a future global development framework, calling for a strong private-sector role in lifting poor nations out of poverty.

The push by big and small companies ahead of key meetings was part of the jockeying to shape the future of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the eight poverty-fighting targets that were nearing the end of their 15-year run.

At a conference held in the European Parliament on 21 March, MEPs and anti-poverty campaigners acknowledged development financing is under stress because of fiscal crises in traditional donor nations. But they questioned a shift in EU policies to mix loans and grants – known as ‘blending’ - to help foster private-sector growth.

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ESO: Background Information: Parliament evaluates development aid cuts at €10 billion

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