Author (Person) | Harendt, Christoph, Heinemann, Friedrich |
Publisher | Bertelsmann Foundation |
Publication Date | July 2017 |
Content Type | Research Paper |
Summary: Where do Germany and other countries stand with regard to resilience? Increasing resilience is one of the top priorities of global economic policy. The publication “Building Resilience – A comparison of eight OECD countries” measures resilience to an economic crises in a comparison of eight industrialized countries covering the years 1970-2016. Quite a varied picture emerges. Japan and Australia show considerable resilience in the context of crisis. France and Italy demonstrate a low level of resilience. The United States does little to serve as a role model for Europe with regard to resilience; while growth rates have been successfully stabilized there, crises have been accompanied by increases in inequality. In comparison to the average of the here considered countries, Germany has coped well. The Bertelsmann Stiftung will continue to look at the resilience concept within the framework of its “Inclusive Growth for Germany” project. A comprehensive study is scheduled to appear later this year. |
Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |
Subject Tags | Economic Policy |
Keywords | Resilience |
Countries / Regions | Germany |
International Organisations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] |