British hopes that at least part of the ban on its beef exports could be lifted…

Series Title
Series Details 11/04/96, Volume 2, Number 15
Publication Date 11/04/1996
Content Type

Date: 11/04/1996

...- with an end to restrictions on gelatine and tallow, used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products - were dashed at a meeting of EU veterinary experts yesterday (10 April). Several member states, led by Germany, made it clear they would not support any relaxing of the ban until London came forward with a BSE eradication programme to help restore consumer confidence. In the run-up to the next meeting of Union farm ministers on 29-30 April, pharmaceutical experts will meet to discuss the question on Monday (15 April), and the Standing Veterinary Committee will look at the ban on semen and embryos next Thursday (18 April).

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