Author (Corporate) | United Kingdom: House of Lords: Select Committee on the European Union |
Publisher | The Stationery Office (TSO) |
Series Title | 6th Report |
Series Details | (2016-17)HL76 |
Publication Date | 12/12/2016 |
Content Type | Policy-making, Report |
January 2018: In January 2018 the House of Lords EU Select Committee launched a short follow-up inquiry to the December 2016 report on Brexit: UK-Irish relations. The follow-up inquiry would review the impact of Brexit on UK-Irish relations, in light of subsequent developments and with particular emphasis on: + The implications for UK-Irish relations of the December Joint Report on progress made during the phase 1 negotiations The report outlined the many economic, political, legal and institutional challenges of Brexit for Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and for UK-Irish relations as a whole. The Committee concluded that any negative impact of Brexit on the UK economy was likely to be replicated, or even magnified, for the Irish economy. The Committee agreed that the unique nature of UK-Irish relations required a unique solution, and called on the UK and Irish Governments to negotiate a draft bilateral agreement, incorporating the views and interests of the Northern Ireland Executive, which would then need to be agreed by the EU as part of the final Brexit negotiations, with key aspects including: + Continuation of the current open land border between the UK and Ireland |
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Countries / Regions | Ireland, United Kingdom |