Blanc tries to keep pivotal role in CoR

Series Title
Series Details 29/02/96, Volume 2, Number 09
Publication Date 29/02/1996
Content Type

Date: 29/02/1996

PASQUAL Maragall, the Social-ist mayor of Barcelona, has been presented with an unexpected series of conditions if he is to enjoy a clear run for the presidency of the Committee of the Regions.

The terms were laid down yesterday (28 February) by the outgoing president, French centre-right politician Jacques Blanc, as he approaches the end of his two-year spell at the head of the EU body of regional and local authority representatives.

Blanc ended weeks of speculation about his political plans when he confirmed that he would not apply for a second presidential term.

But he insisted his support for Maragall depended on three conditions being met.

In line with a 1994 agreement between the two main political groups in the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Blanc is pressing to become the effective number two in the hierarchy as the senior vice-president.

But he has made two new demands designed to guarantee himself a pivotal role in the body's future work.

Blanc, the president of France's Languedoc-Roussillon region, wants to be joint chairman (with Maragall) of the CoR's institutional commission, which will be closely involved in the Intergovernmental Conference.

He is also pressing for the creation of a new role, which he would fill, as coordinator of the COR's eight commissions.

Maragall's presidential bid has widespread support in the COR and it is unclear how prepared he will be to meet Blanc's terms. He is unlikely to give his reply before 6pm tomorrow (1 March) when nominations for the post close.

The committee will vote on Blanc's successor on 20 March.

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