Blanc checks out

Series Title
Series Details 14/03/96, Volume 2, Number 11
Publication Date 14/03/1996
Content Type

Date: 14/03/1996

Jacques Blanc may no longer be president of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) after this month, but he has apparently become so attached to the trappings of high office that he doesn't want to lose them.

Entre Nous hears that Blanc is making arrangements to transfer the furnishings of his presidential suite to his new offices when the CoR moves from its present premises to a new headquarters more in the heart of the EU area. Blanc has also indicated he wants to take the unusual step of keeping his personal three-man team of advisers. “Some officials will have to lose their offices to make way for Blanc. It had also been thought the next president would use the same furnishings. Now it looks as if the Committee will have to buy new furniture,” said one disgruntled source.

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