Biannual Report on the State of the European Union: Finnish Presidency, July-December 2006

Awdur (Corfforaethol)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 2006
Math o Gynnwys

The Patronat Català Pro Europa has released a report compiling the main areas of debate and action that will prevail on the EU agenda for the six months during the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, July-December 2006. This publication, written in a joint effort by the expert team at the Patronat and coordinated by the Information Area, constitutes a key document that aims to shed light on three questions: Where are we in the process of European integration? What key role can this Presidency play? And finally, what effects might these issues have for Catalonia?

Dolen Ffynhonnell
Categorïau Pwnc
Gwledydd / Rhanbarthau , ,