Berlusconi to stand trial on sex charges

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 16.2.11
Publication Date 16/02/2011
Content Type

An Italian judge on the 15 February 2011 ordered Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister, to stand trial on charges that he paid for sex with a 17-year-old girl and abuse of office in trying to cover up their relationship by securing her release from detention.

Opposition leaders called on Mr Berlusconi to resign and face the charges in court, saying Italy had become the laughing stock of the world and that the government, with its razor-thin majority in parliament, was paralysed over the affair.

The prime minister has repeatedly accused 'leftist' magistrates of trying to carry out a 'coup' against his government, and the prospect of a prolonged trial risks bringing to a head a long-running conflict between Mr Berlusconi and the Italian judiciary.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Lawyers to seek Berlusconi sex trial
BBC News, 15.2.11: Silvio Berlusconi faces Ruby sex charge trial in April
Deutsche Welle, 15.2.11: Berlusconi to go on trial for sex offenses,,14843249,00.html
France24, 15.2.11: Berlusconi in sex charge trial
Corriere della Sera, 14.2.11: Rubygate – PM to Face Trial on Sixth of April
EurActiv, 16.2.11: Berlusconi to stand trial for teenage prostitution
Deutsche Welle, 30.3.11: Berlusconi team calls for Clooney, Ronaldo as witnesses in sex trial,,14954239,00.html
EUObserver, 16.2.11: Berlusconi to stand trial over 'bunga bunga' charges
La Repubblica, 16.2.11: Will Rubygate sink Berlusconi? (via PressEurop)
Spiegel Online International, 16.2.11: Italy's 'Long-Lasting Agony',1518,745916,00.html

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