Berlin’s record run of defeats

Series Title
Series Details Vol 6, No.36, 5.10.00, p2
Publication Date 05/10/2000
Content Type

Date: 05/10/00

GERMANY is still outvoted more times than any other member state in the Council of Ministers, despite its size and political muscle.

According to figures compiled by the Council's secretariat, Berlin was defeated in 37 separate votes between 1996 and the first two months of this year. Only Italy came close to matching Germany's record, having been overruled 28 times.

Union diplomats say it is ironic that Berlin is calling for the abolition of national vetoes in more policy areas than any other member state given the number of defeats it has suffered on issues already decided by qualified majority voting.

France, which is opposed to switching to QMV in 16 areas, is much more successful in winning arguments in Council. Paris was outvoted only 12 times over the same period, while Spain was defeated eight times and the UK was on the losing side on 16 occasions, according to the figures compiled in response to a query from UK Liberal MEP Christopher Huhne. Luxembourg has the best record, suffering only three defeats.

Denmark, in line with its reputation as one of Union's more difficult members, was defeated on 22 occasions. But the Swedes were defeated only 14 times, despite their tough stand on environmental measures and social rights.

Berlin's tendency to lose Council votes goes back until at least the early 1990s. An analysis of member states' records between 1993 and 1995 carried out by European Voice revealed that Germany was defeated 22 times while the UK, which was then led by a Eurosceptic Conservative government, was outvoted only 15 times.

Officials say Berlin's poor showing is due to its consensual style of decision-making. Other member states are able to modify their negotiating positions in Council meetings to avoid being outvoted, but Germany has to consult its regional governments before it can change its stance.

Germany is outvoted more times than any other Member State in the Council of Ministers, despite its size and political muscle.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions