Belarus: Turning the screw

Series Title
Series Details No.8457, 17.12.05
Publication Date 17/12/2005
ISSN 0013-0613
Content Type ,

Date: 17/12/05

A benighted land darkens further

LIFE is bleak for beleaguered democrats in Belarus. The country's autocrat, Alexander Lukashenka, has put tight controls on the media, rigged elections, torn up the constitution and sent opposition activists to jail, exile, or - as many fear of four of them who have disappeared - the grave. Now a new law on public security will make it a criminal offence to "discredit Belarus's standing abroad". If foreign-financed organisations, or the media, are involved, the penalty can be up to five years in jail. Training people to take part in street protests gets two years.

Against this background, the opposition is backing Alexander Milinkevic, a physicist, as a joint candidate in the election due next year. He has had a warm reception abroad - most recently at a meeting in Ukraine of a new pro-western block of ex-communist states. But that it is not what really matters. Wowing the salons of Brussels (where Mr Milinkevic is going next month) is far easier than electioneering at home, where official harassment is crippling his campaign. The independent media, although nominally free, must overcome big bureaucratic obstacles. The opposition has made the 16th of every month an occasion for public protest. So far, numbers taking part have grown each time. But with the police now allowed to shoot demonstrators, it would be understandable if numbers fell. Many Belarussians have given up on politics, and are concentrating on making money. The economy is booming.

The only channel of information that the government does not control is the internet - and even that may change. Local geeks claim that the authorities have bought software from China to block opposition-related content in e-mails or websites. Parliament is debating a new internet law which may impose further restrictions. Mr Lukashenka lavished compliments on China on a visit last week; his hosts reciprocated with a loan.

That may give Belarus more room for manoeuvre with its big patron, Russia. President Vladimir Putin loathes his bumptious Belarussian counterpart, but seems to have given up hope of dislodging him - though some think a Russian-backed putsch is possible.

The opposition and its western friends hope for a Ukraine-style revolution in Belarus. It could be a long wait.

A benighted country darkens further as rights are further curtailed.

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