Ban on by-products of beef looks set to end

Series Title
Series Details 23/05/96, Volume 2, Number 21
Publication Date 23/05/1996
Content Type

Date: 23/05/1996

By Michael Mann

THE European Commission looks almost certain to lift the ban on gelatine, tallow and semen from UK cattle following a special meeting of agriculture ministers on 3-4 June.

But an end to the overall ban on British beef looks as far away as ever, with a number of member states still deeply unhappy even with the UK's enhanced slaughter plans, which would include an estimated 80,000 animals.

The eight member states which this week voted in favour of the Commission's proposal to ease the ban on the three beef by-products have stressed that they see no reason to change their view.

At their meeting in two weeks' time, farm ministers will vote on precisely the same proposal as that blocked in Monday's Standing Veterinary Committee meeting. It can only be thrown out if a majority of member states - eight out of 15 - vote against it.

But there were no signs last night that any of the countries who voted in favour of a partial lifting of the ban this week were preparing to change sides.

“There is no reason to vote differently. Our veterinarians say the guarantees are sufficient,” said one French diplomat.

With the other seven countries which supported the proposal making similar noises - despite the threats coming out of London - the plan looks unlikely to be rejected.

It would then be up to the Commission to write it into EU law, which would permit UK exports of the three products to resume once London had satisfied Union inspectors that gelatine and tallow were being processed according to the stricter World Health Organisation's recommended standards. British officials estimate they would need about two weeks to provide convincing proof that manufacturers were respecting the new conditions.

Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler is stressing that “all decisions relating to BSE should be firmly based on the most up-to-date and accurate scientific knowledge” - but it will nevertheless be a delicate matter for the Commission to push through a proposal in the face of opposition from seven out of 15 member states if the line-up remains the same.

Most of those opposed to the plan have made a direct connection between the ban on by-products and the UK's BSE eradication programme. Indications are that a qualified majority could have been mustered at this week's vets' meeting if a link with the slaughter programme had been written into the proposal, an idea firmly rejected by Fischler.

One Spanish official yesterday underlined how difficult it will be for the UK to persuade its partners to consider easing the ban on other products.

“Spain will vote to lift the embargo when Britain presents a plan for eradication and control of BSE. What it presented at the committee was not a plan,” he said.

Germany, the country most firmly set against an early end to the export ban, said it would review its position in light of the findings of an inspection team due to visit the UK on 27 May.

Apart from giving ministers a chance to examine the UK's enhanced slaughter programme more closely, next month's special meeting is likely to concentrate on ways of allocating the 650 million ecu Fischler says is available from the 1996 budget to compensate farmers for lost income. The Commission is set to adopt a proposal next week, with Fischler likely to repeat his preference for a simple top-up on the existing premiums, an idea blocked last week by Italian Commissioner Emma Bonino.

Although British officials could not confirm when they would file their complaint, or what form it would take, the UK government is also preparing to challenge the ban in the European Court of Justice.

Court officials believe a hearing on an injunction could be set up by mid-June, with a judgement possible within a fortnight. A full ruling is more likely to take upwards of a year.

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