Balfe cites Labour ‘arrogance’ as he crosses Parliament floor

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Series Details Vol.8, No.9, 7.3.02, p3
Publication Date 07/03/2002
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Date: 07/03/02

By Martin Banks

THE defection of a high-profile Socialist MEP to the Conservative European People's Party has sparked a war of words between the two political groups.

Richard Balfe, the UK Labour Party's longest-serving MEP, announced yesterday (6 March) that he was joining the Conservatives because of his own party's 'growing arrogance and dishonesty'.

Balfe claims he was expelled by the European Parliament's Labour group after defying instructions not to stand for re-election as one of the assembly's five quaestors.

But the Socialists insist that 57-year-old Balfe, who successfully stood as an independent in last December's election, had not been expelled and chose to go.

He had been sitting in debates with the non-aligned group - whose members include French National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen and the extreme right-wing Flemish Vlaams Blok.

Balfe's decision to join the Tories was unexpected, however, because he is a supporter of the euro and member of the European Movement.

UK Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith is opposed to the single currency, although he has said party members will be free to campaign on either side when a referendum is called.

Balfe is the first Labour politician to 'cross the floor' to the Conservatives for 25 years.

He told European Voice that he felt the EPP was his 'natural home'.

'I must stress, though, that it was the Labour group in the European Parliament that severed its links with me and not the other way round. The group is a shambles so, in the event, it is probably a good thing they did. Of course, they will now try to rubbish me, but that is what they do.'

He added: 'I sat with the non-aligned group only on a temporary basis to contemplate my future and, having discussed this with my wife, have now decided to join the Conservatives.'

Balfe blamed his defection on policy differences and disenchantment with British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

He claimed the UK Labour leader was 'mesmerised by millionaires', highlighting his relationship with Formula One motor-racing chief Bernie Ecclestone and Italy's media magnate premier Silvio Berlusconi.

Balfe claimed that people with money immediately went up in Blair's estimation.

Jonathan Evans, the leader of the 35-strong British Conservative group, was cock-a-hoop over the MEP's decision to defect.

'Balfe is a major Parliamentary figure and I am delighted he is joining us,' Evans said.

However, the development caused dismay among his former colleagues. Labour leader Simon Murphy said: 'Voters will feel let down.'

Meanwhile, the party's chief whip, Bill Miller, insisted that Balfe made the decision to leave.

'We were in the process of taking disciplinary action against him for breaking party rules in standing against an official Labour Party candidate in the quaestor elections. But he preempted this by leaving the group.'

A well-placed source in the Parliament's Labour group added: 'Balfe was always a semi-detached member who didn't want to be bound by party rules.'

Richard Balfe, the UK Labour Party's longest-serving MEP, announced on 6 March 2002 that he was joining the Conservatives.

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