Baghdad hit by air strikes as EU prays for quick war

Series Title
Series Details Vol.9, No.11, 20.3.03, p1-2
Publication Date 20/03/2003
Content Type

Date: 20/03/03

By European Voice

THE war that divided Europe has begun. American bombers launched strikes shortly before 4am European time this morning (20 March) on the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

There was speculation that they were trying to hit a location where Saddam Hussein and his key aides were known to be.

US President George W. Bush announced that the initial wave of air strikes were aimed at "selected targets of military importance".

He addressed the American people from the White House at 4.15am, having earlier discussed the first stages of the campaign with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The British premier pledged: "We will do everything we can to minimise civilian casualties and indeed maximize the possibilities of a swift and successful conclusion to any conflict."

Hopes that the war would be swift were echoed by most other EU leaders. US and UK land forces were reported to have crossed into the de-militarized zone ahead of the expected advance on Baghdad and Basra.

Speaking before the operation started, European Commission President Romano Prodi said: "It's clear this war is not necessary and I think that European public opinion, maybe because of its old age, because this is 'old Europe', is full of wisdom in its point of view.

"The European populations are not divided. I have never seen any political issue in my life where the popular will is so strong, so united. Our cities are full of flags with the colour of peace."

His words are likely to be echoed by French President Jacques Chirac, when he comes face-to-face with Tony Blair at today's EU summit - their first meeting since the French UN veto threat, which precipitated the 48-hour US ultimatum for Saddam and his sons to quit Iraq.

Despite the strong misgivings of Prodi and others, Blair's spokesman said the premier was determined to mend the rifts which have been aggravated during the past few weeks.

"There is no use pretending that there are not serious differences of view between us and the French," said the spokesman. "But what is equally clear is that one disagreement does not define a relationship."

He insisted that Blair wanted to focus on working with his European partners to achieve progress on the future of the EU and to tackle "key issues" such as economic reform, education and asylum. There were still "a whole range" of issues around which member states could agree, added the spokesman.

The EU summit was scheduled to focus on the so-called 'Lisbon goals' aimed at turning the Union into the world's most competitive economy, but officials said this would probably involve little more than a token debate due to Iraq.

Instead, the EU presidency, Greece, said it was keen to structure the talks on "concrete issues, like humanitarian aid".

The heads of state and government are expected to strongly back the United Nations, despite its failure to prevent the use of force against Iraq. A Greek diplomat said the UN would remain central to the world order: "I know some will see that as a paradox, as some EU members have decided to bypass it and others have threatened to block the process. But what do you do if you get rid of the United Nations? It has to remain central in the international scene."

Another official commented: "After the military action, there will have to be reconstruction, nation-building and there will be the question of a post-conflict mandate for [peacekeeping] troops. All of these are reasons why the member states will be likely to emphasise the future role of the UN in Iraq."

The summit was also expected to call for better dialogue with the US and for efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East to continue.

Prodi, in a letter to the heads of state and government, emphasised this, writing: "The Middle East deserves the right to peaceful coexistence with one state for Israel and one for the Palestinians."

  • The pre-summit mood was darkened by two unprecedented events yesterday (19 March).

An unexplained power failure held up the daily midday press briefing at the European Commission and, more seriously, phone-tapping devices were discovered at the Council of Ministers' headquarters, where today's summit was due to take place.

The bugs were found in the delegation offices of France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Austria. Diplomats said it is assumed the devices had been planted with "hostile intent".

There was immediate speculation that America's Central Intelligence Agency might be responsible: a spokesman for the US mission in Brussels shrugged off the suggestions, saying: "We have seen the media reports but have had no communication from the EU on the investigation into these devices."

Report of EU reaction to the outbreak of war in Iraq, 20 March 2003.

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