Author (Corporate) | International Crisis Group |
Series Title | Europe Briefing |
Series Details | No.50, 29 October 2008 |
Publication Date | October 2008 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Azerbaijan wants to create a strong army to regain Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent districts, either by improving its negotiating leverage with Armenia or going back to war. It has exponentially increased its military budget, though it has not so far gained clear superiority over Armenian forces. If the new military is to be not only stronger but also better governed, however, it needs deep reforms to make it less corrupt and personality driven, more transparent and better directed. So far there has been insufficient political will either to do the part that should involve increasing democratic and civilian control or to break the habit of treating the army as above all an instrument with which to protect elite interests. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Armenia, Azerbaijan |