Author (Corporate) | European Asylum Support Office |
Publisher | EU |
Publication Date | 2014 |
ISBN | 978-92-9243-232-4 |
ISSN | 1977-4826 |
EC | BZ-AB-14-001-EN-C |
Content Type | Report, Statistics |
The 2013 Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the number and nature of applications for international protection made in the EU28 and how they were processed by the Member States, in order to indicate important developments at both EU and national level, and to describe how each of the key aspects of the common European asylum system works. In the first 5 months of 2014, there was a 19% rise in the number of applications for asylum in the EU compared to the same period in 2013. This follows the 30% increase seen in numbers of asylum applications in 2013 compared to 2012. Compared to 2013, in 2014 new trends seem to be emerging. Numbers of Syrian asylum-seekers continue to rise; Syrians have increased in absolute and relative terms compared to 2013 and are in the top 3 countries of origin for 16 Member States. There has been a substantial increase in the numbers of Eritreans in recent months – arriving in Italy and applying in a number of northern countries Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Applications from citizens of the Russian Federation have declined significantly since 2013. Since March 2014, there has also been a significant rise in the numbers of Ukrainian citizens applying for asylum in the EU+ (EU Member States plus Norway and Switzerland). |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |