Annual report 2011: The state of the drugs problem in Europe

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-9168-470-0
ISSN 1609-6150
EC TD-AC-11-001-EN-C
Content Type

The 'Annual report 2011: The state of the drugs problem in Europe', was launched by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) in Lisbon on 15 November 2011. It is accompanied by a number of supporting publications, which may be accessed via the EMCDDA website.

Source Link
Related Links
EMCDDA: Events: 2011 annual report launch, 15.11.11: Full details
EMCDDA: News Release: No.7, 2011: Policies and responses must be fit to face the challenges of the next decade, says drugs agency chief
EMCDDA: News Release: No.8, 2011 : EU drugs agency releases new analysis of Europe’s changing opioid problem
European Commission: Press Release: IP/11/1347 (15.11.11): Drugs report: Commissioner Malmström calls for vigilance on synthetic drugs and asks for more anti-trafficking efforts
EMCDDA: Annual report 2011: The state of the drugs problem in Europe
EMCDDA: Annual report 2011: The state of the drugs problem in Europe

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions