Annual Report 2010

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 28/06/2011
ISBN 978-92-9212-257-7
ISSN 1680-3809
EC QK-AA-11-001-EN-C
Content Type


The European Ombudsman published in June 2011 the annual report covering the activities of his office for the year 2010.

Further information:

In 2010 the European Ombudsman registered 2667 complaints. A total of 2727 complaints were processed of which 27% (744 complaints) fell inside the European Ombudsman's Mandate.

In addition to the Annual Report, the European Ombudsman also published a concise version of the report named 'Overview'.

Source Link
Related Links
European Ombudsman: Annual Report 2010
European Ombudsman: Overview 2010

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions