ANFA – National Money Creation as an Existential Threat to the Currency Union?

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Vol.52, No.4, July-August 2017
Publication Date July 2017
ISSN 0020-5346
Content Type

Further information about Intereconomics

Intereconomics publishes papers dealing with economic and social policy issues in or affecting Europe. The journal consists of the sections Editorial, Forum, Articles, and Letter from America.

The Editorial contains brief comments on current questions of economic policy.

In the Forum, several authors (researchers, politicians, representatives of trade unions and of employers associations, etc.) voice their opinions on one particular current economic policy problem.

The Articles deal with economic policy issues and trends. They are mostly written by economic researchers.

In the Letter from America, an economist from the US provides analysis of economic issues of transatlantic interest.

Intereconomics has an editorial process which allows it to quickly publish timely papers while they can still inform and influence policy makers. The editorial board of Intereconomics works in close cooperation with the editorial board of its sister publication Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, which is published in German.The recent publication of the previously secret Agreement on Net Financial Assets (ANFA) directed the public's attention to the possibility that national central banks could create money through purchases of securities on their own account. This paper provides an overview of the legal foundations for ANFA and shows the varying extent to which the member countries use these regulations. What are the interests, risks and consequences for the countries in crisis and the currency union as a whole? Is the ECB properly monitoring ANFA purchases? Could money creation via ANFA act as an explosive device for the currency union?

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Related Links
Intereconomics: Archive
SpringerLink: Intereconomics
Wikipedia: Agreement on Net Financial Assets
ECB: Explainers: Tell Me More: What is ANFA?

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions