Analytical Web Note 1/2016 – Labour Market Transitions

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2016
ISBN 978-92-79-51768-6
ISSN 2443-6348
EC KE-BM-15-012-EN-N
Content Type

This Web Note presents empirical evidence on labour market transitions in the European Union (EU) using the new flow statistics from the EU Labour Force Survey (EU‐LFS) and micro-data from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EUSILC). While the new transition rates from the EU-LFS have the advantage of being more timely, they provide limited information on socio-demographic characteristics and employment conditions.

By contrast, EU-SILC micro-data are less timely, but allow more detailed individual characteristics (age, gender, education, type of contract, etc.) to be brought into the analysis.

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