Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Migration and Home Affairs |
Series Details | COM (2020) 758 |
Publication Date | 24/11/2020 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
Summary: Communication published by the European Commission on 24 November 2020, setting out its action plan on Integration and Inclusion for the period 2021-2027. Further information: This Action Plan is aimed at promoting inclusion for everyone, recognising the important contribution of migrants to the European Union (EU) and addressing the barriers that can hinder participation and inclusion of people with a migrant background in European society. It is built on the principle that inclusive integration requires efforts from both the person and the host community and sets out new actions that build on the achievements of the 2016 Action Plan on integration of third country nationals. The challenge of integration and inclusion is particularly relevant for migrants, not only newcomers but sometimes also for third-country nationals who might have naturalised and are EU citizens. This is why the scope of this action plan covers both migrants and EU citizens with a migrant background. It is thus broader than the 2016 Action plan. The strategy is part of the response to tackling the challenges linked to migration put forward in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Successful integration policies are also a cornerstone of a well-functioning asylum and migration management system. They underpin and complement Member States’ asylum and migration policies, by ensuring that all individuals who have a right to stay in the EU can fully take part in our societies. They can also support the dialogue with third countries and programmes under the external dimension of the EU’s migration and development policies. Migrants are often part of various forms of socialisation in the diaspora communities in the EU Member States. Diaspora can play a critical role to support inclusion in host societies, contribute to investments, innovation and development, while also preserving relationship with countries of origin. This action plan covers all the different stages and phases of the integration process: predeparture measures, reception and early integration, long-term integration, and the building of inclusive and cohesive societies. It takes into account the different situation of migrant populations in Member States and supports Member States and other relevant stakeholders in finding the adequate response in their integration and inclusion policies. |
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Subject Categories | Employment and Social Affairs, Justice and Home Affairs, Values and Beliefs |
Subject Tags | Migration | Immigration, Social Inclusion | Exclusion |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |