Author (Corporate) | European Defence Agency |
Series Title | European Defence Matters |
Series Details | No.5, April 2014 |
Publication Date | April 2014 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Coming four months after the European Council in December 2013 - where Heads of States and Government discussed defence and security topics - this issue of European Defence Matter gives readers an insight into EDA’s work in implementing the summit’s conclusions. Peter Round, the EDA Director Capability, Armament & Technology, gives a detailed interview on the four key capability initiatives that the European Council tasked the EDA with. Another feature article focuses on EDA’s work in helping Member States to access European Structural Funds (ESF) for dual-use research. The issue also includes key interviews with General Mikhail Kostarakos Hellenic Chief of Defence, General Patrick de Rousiers Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC), General Pascal Valentin EATC Commander, and Major Jakub Block Eurocorps Public Affairs Officer. There are updates on EDA’s work on effective command and control for multi-national missions. The magazine also includes a detailed account of the EDA’s annual conference, which was held on March 27 in Brussels. The conference has become the key rendez-vous for European Defence, bringing together 500 high-level figures from militaries, government and industry. Lastly, the magazine also includes articles from Ioanna Zyga and Pauline Delleur, the winners of an essay writing competition on European Defence run by EDA and the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP). |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Business and Industry, Culture, Education and Research |
Countries / Regions | Europe |