ACRONYMex 2000. How to decipher Community jargon

Author (Person)
Publication Date 1999
ISBN 2-930261-06-4
Content Type

Book abstract:

As the European Union enlarges and the number of official languages grows, new terms spring up daily in Brussels to designate an infinite number of actions, programmes, organisations or notions linked to Community life. These may take the form of acronyms, abbreviations or code names - a whole new jargon in itself. Although intended to be universally understood, this new European language can appear somewhat impenetrable and mysterious to the uninitiated. This guide aims to pull together all the terms frequently used in Community circles. ACRONYMex is an alphabetical list, in both French and English, of some 4500 acronyms designed to help those using European Commission, Parliament or other European Institution documents. It also includes abbreviations of the many organisations and associations that gravitate around the European institutions.

Easy to use, clear and concise, this is an ideal pocket-book companion for all those specialising in European issues and will make an invaluable reference tool for any information unit or organisation concerned with Europe

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