ACEA: 2013 will ‘probably be worst year for car sales’

Series Title
Series Details 15.04.13
Publication Date 15/04/2013
Content Type

2013 is likely to be the worst on record for car sales in the European market because of the recession, said Ivan Hodač, head of the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association ACEA.

Hodač told EurActiv that although the global industry was having a “very good year”, Europe’s car showrooms were facing a turbulent period.

On the 19 November 2013, Deutsche Welle reported that the car market in the European Union was showing increased signs of recovery, following another month of boosted sales in most member states. But it was still far from levels seen prior to the global financial crisis.

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Deutsche Welle, 17.04.13: EU car sales take another blow amid sluggish demand
Deutsche Welle, 19.11.13: European car market inching out of doldrums

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