Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | 02/11/95, Volume 1, Number 07 |
Publication Date | 02/11/1995 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 02/11/1995 THE debate on fitting safety belts in coaches and buses has been given added impetus by a series of tragic accidents, not least in the UK, where public sensibilities about safety are particularly intense and politicians very sensitive about the role 'Brussels' plays in setting standards. As far back as November 1993, the Commission was at pains to stress “the urgent need to agree at Community level on the mandatory inclusion of safety belts in all sitting positions in coaches”, insisting it had raised the issue with member states two years earlier. Industry Commissioner Martin Bangemann's communication in March 1994 admitted that it would take years to push through a whole package of safety measures, but pledged to make seatbelts the priority, hoping that agreement could be reached during 1995. Under current regulations, belts must only be fitted in 'exposed seats', those at the front of coaches, next to the driver and those at the back facing the aisle. All along, the Commission has stressed that member states have the right to require belts to be fitted to other seats, but that this would not prevent vehicles built in other countries - with no additional safety belts - being used on their roads. Operators continue to point to the additional expense of fitting belts on a unilateral basis and the effects this would have on their competitiveness. This has not stopped the UK legislating for seatbelts in minibuses for transporting schoolchildren. |
Subject Categories | Internal Markets, Mobility and Transport |