Accession states pin hopes on Danes

Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.25, 27.6.02, p15
Publication Date 27/06/2002
Content Type

Date: 27/06/02

THE Danish presidency carries the hopes of millions of people in the countries waiting to join the EU, according to Danish MEP Anne Jensen.

She says the accession negotiations - due for completion by the end of the year - will overshadow all else during the next six months.

But the former journalist, who is a member of the ruling Liberal Party, admits that meeting the enlargement deadline will not be easy.

'Everyone is hoping that the Danes will make one final, big push on enlargement. But there could still be problems along the way, such as the current arguments over EU subsidies to candidate countries.

'Failure to complete the negotiations will be viewed as a major disappointment. Spain has done well to pave the way for the enlargement process to be concluded and I hope the Danish presidency continues the momentum.'

Jensen, deputy chairman of the budgets committee, also predicts that December's Copenhagen summit will be the last hosted by the Danes under the present system.

'Everyone acknowledges the six-month rotating presidency will have to change,' she said.

Fellow Liberal MEP Lone Dybkjaer said the Danish presidency would be judged entirely on its record in closing enlargement negotiations with the candidate countries.

'This is the one big, single issue that is going to dominate the whole presidency,' he said.

'There are going to be a few obstacles along the way and, as much as I want to see agricultural reform, I hope this issue does not hold up discussions.

'One thing is sure - if we don't succeed in completing the process it will not be for the want of trying.'

Meanwhile, Danish eurosceptic Jens-Peter Bonde said he hopes the presidency 'respects' the result of the second Irish referendum on the Nice Treaty.

The Danish presidency carries the hopes of millions of people in the countries waiting to join the EU, according to Danish MEP Anne Jensen.

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