A vital lesson for supersized Europeans: you are what you eat

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Series Details Vol.12, No.22, 8.6.06
Publication Date 08/06/2006
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Date: 08/06/06

Two MEPs discuss the EU's food policy

Legislation on health claims is not a case of market meddling - it could help create a healthier Europe

The European Commission is speaking of obesity as the major threat to health in the 21st century. Each year the number of overweight children increases by more than 400,000. The severe risks for people are widely known as are the growing costs for public health and for the economy. Six out of seven causes of premature death are a direct result of bad eating habits. Obesity increases the risk of cardiac diseases, diabetes and some kinds of cancer.

The member states of the European Union have reached a point where hunger as an accompanying phenomenon of poverty practically doesn't exist anymore. Despite increasing social problems and unemployment, almost everyone can at least afford to fill his or her belly. Of course the quality of food people consume depends mostly on their income. But compared to the past the effect of this is turned upside down. More and more poor people suffer from obesity; the rich ones tend to keep their shape. The percentage of overweight people in Europe is alarming and can already be compared to the percentage in the US. Recent figures show that obesity is increasing at a higher rate in eastern Europe than in the west. It is time for the EU to act.

It is beyond doubt that 'cheap' or 'junk food' is unhealthy and has a high calorie count. Consumers have been fooled for too long by nutrition and health claims made to promote food. Many years ago the industry realised the advertorial effect of claims such as "low energy", "low fat" or "reduces cholesterol". These claims very rarely reflected reality.

According to the vote of the European Parliament in its May session there will be clear standardised definitions for such claims in the EU. The so-called nutritional profiles - the appropriate ratios of salt, sugar and fat in any given product - will be laid down on the basis of information provided by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) within the next two years. Divergent national rules concerning the addition of vitamins and minerals and some other substances will be harmonised in order to ensure a high level of consumer protection and the free circulation of goods within the Union.

The right of information and the right of choice are fundamental consumer rights. In the future food labels should make it easier for consumers to choose adequate food. Drawing up valid harmonised criteria for the use of health-related claims in the EU was an urgent and important need, as various claims are in use and are handled differently by the member states. The discrepancies were a barrier to guaranteeing a high level of consumer protection and even to the free movement of foodstuffs and the proper functioning of the internal market.

It is not the Parliament's intention to divide food into "good" and "bad". Its aim is simply to prevent products which are too fat, salty or sweet being branded as healthy. Companies have to provide reliable consumer information. There should be no misleading influence attributable to marketing motives.

This regulation, adopted by the Parliament, will undoubtedly ease people's choice in the supermarket. It is a major step towards consumer-responsibility in terms of a healthy and balanced diet. No responsibility is taken from the people as opponents of the regulation warned. In the end people still have the free choice to buy any product they want. It is not another unnecessarily imposed EU-wide regulation. It should encourage and help citizens to keep themselves healthy.

  • Austrian Socialist MEP Karin Scheele is the Parliament's rapporteur on vitamins and minerals in food.

Obesity-related disease is gobbling up EU health budgets. Those billions of euro could be better spent

Not so long ago, 'obesity' seemed to be something of an irrelevance to Europe. We looked across the Atlantic to see larger-than-life Americans, content that the 'supersize' fast-food culture was far across the pond. But recent figures suggest that as many as 200 million EU citizens may be overweight or obese. Europe is getting heavier and related chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes are on the increase. In part, this must be because modern lifestyles often do not encourage exercise, but the other side of the equation is diet. If we are what we eat, then what we eat is clearly part of the problem.

Evidence suggests that the shift away from meals made from fresh produce to processed foods and ready meals which often contain high levels of hidden fats, salts and sugars is a major contributory factor. That is why accurate, responsible food labelling is so important. Not only does it help consumers make more informed choices, but it can also encourage manufacturers to improve the nutritional content of their meals. A major breakthrough on labelling was made last month with the adoption of the new EU regulation on nutrition and health claims. The new law means that for the first time, all nutrition and health claims will have to stand up to scrutiny and some of the more ridiculous claims, such as 'healthy' sweets, will hopefully disappear from the market. Nutritional profiles will help prevent consumers being misled into buying 'low-fat' yoghurt whose label fails to point out its high sugar content, or a 'low salt' meal that does not mention its high fat levels. Responsible companies which are investing heavily in developing new, healthier product ranges, have everything to gain from this legislation which will help boost consumer confidence in their labels.

Over the coming months, the EU will examine other policy initiatives to encourage healthier eating habits as part of the debate on the European Commission's Green Paper on promoting healthy diets and physical activity. The growing problem of childhood obesity is one of the main areas of concern flagged up by the Commission. At least one study suggests that the problem affected twice as many children in England in 2004 as it did in 1995. When celebrity chef Jamie Oliver put a spotlight on the dreadful quality of school meals in the UK last year, he sparked a national outcry and prompted a rapid government reaction, including a ban on chocolate and fizzy drinks in vending machines in schools from September. Perhaps other member states are taking similar initiatives. But out of school matters too. Parents clearly have their role to play in ensuring children eat healthily, but one of the key and controversial questions for MEPs as they debate the Green Paper will be the role of advertising of food products to children and its impact on children's eating habits.

Product reformulation is another area where improvements in food quality can be made. Some countries such as Canada and Denmark have banned harmful 'transfats' in their food products. In the UK, a number of retailers are making big efforts to reduce salt and to increase the fresh content in their ready meals. We are also seeing some producers phasing out supersized products to discourage over-eating. Such efforts must be encouraged.

This debate at EU level is to be welcomed. If the debate on nutrition and health claims is anything to go by, we can expect it to be a tough one too. Not everyone welcomes action and the words 'nanny state' were heard more than once in recent weeks as we discussed health claims. But tackling obesity is as much about hard economics as public health. Already, we are spending an estimated 7% of our EU health budget on obesity. Unless trends reverse, that can only rise. Taking action now could save a lot of money and, more importantly, a lot of lives in the long-term.

  • UK Socialist MEP Linda McAvan is a member of the Parliament's committee on the environment, public health and food safety.

Two MEPs discuss the EU's food policy.
Article is part of a European Voice Special Report, 'Nutrition and health claims'.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://www.european-voice.com/
Related Links
European Commission: DG Health and Consumer Protection: Overview: Food and Feed Safety: Health & Nutrition Claims http://ec.europa.eu/comm/food/food/labellingnutrition/claims/index_en.htm

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