Author (Person) | Fici, Antonio |
Author (Corporate) | European Parliament: DG Internal Policies |
Publisher | European Parliament |
Series Title | EPRS Studies |
Series Details | PE 693.439 |
Publication Date | May 2021 |
ISBN | 978-92-846-8081-8 |
EC | QA-02-21-650-EN-N |
Content Type | Research Paper, Textbook | Monograph |
Abstract: After carrying out a comparative analysis of the main laws on non-profit organizations in force in some selected European countries, the Study discusses a potential legislative initiative of the European Union on the subject, presenting the different options available and concluding that the European Union should introduce a European status not limited to non-profit organizations but aimed, more generally, at including related organizations such as those of the third sector and the social economy. |
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Subject Categories | Law |
Subject Tags | Civil Society | NGOs, National Law | Legal Systems |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |