Author (Person) | Bukowski, Jeanie |
Series Title | Regional and Federal Studies |
Series Details | Vol.12, No.1, Spring 2002, p138-170 |
Publication Date | March 2002 |
ISSN | 1359-7566 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Abstract: This article explores the question of how much 'space' exists at the sub-national level for independent political choice. Much of the relevant literature argues that the policy decisions of regional governments are determined by structural factors such as the exigencies of the global and European economies and of pre-existing cultural and institutional legacies present in the regions. Political agency is for the most part not considered explicitly in these studies. A comparison of two Spanish regions, AndalucĂa and Catalonia, however, demonstrates that political agency, particularly choices consciously exercised by leaders in pursuit of political and ideological goals, is an important factor in explaining the economic development strategies undertaken in these regions. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Spain |