Publisher | World Health Organisation: Regional Office for Europe |
Publication Date | 2015 |
ISBN | 978-92-890-5096-8 |
Content Type | Report |
Abstract: This publication describes San Marino's experience in developing its national health plan for 2015–2017, which integrates the core elements of Health 2020, the European policy for health and well-being. It provides a general summary of Health 2020 and descriptions of San Marino and of its national health plan, including the guiding principles, overarching goals and health objectives. It should be viewed in the content of the WHO small countries initiative, of which San Marino is the co-leader, in which eight European countries with populations of under 1 million work together to improve their citizens' health and well-being, and implement the European policy framework, Health 2020. The core of the publication is the detailed description of the development process undertaken by San Marino and other stakeholders in the small countries initiative, followed by enabling factors and challenges faced in developing and implementing the national health plan. The publication goes beyond sharing San Marino's experience to provide useful hints and key messages relevant to both small and large countries in the WHO European Region. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Health |
Countries / Regions | San Marino |