A personal tribute by former European Commission President Jacques Delors

Series Title
Series Details 05/09/96, Volume 2, Number 32
Publication Date 05/09/1996
Content Type

Date: 05/09/1996

EMILE Noel was, and remains, a symbol for everyone participating in the construction of Europe. His entire life was dedicated to that end. Throughout that time he was strategically placed to serve the cause of a united Europe and to wield great influence over its development.

When chef de cabinet to Guy Mollet, then president of the Council (prime minister) and a fervent European, Noel played a crucial role, not only with his considered advice but also as a go-between between the French government and Jean Monnet.

As early as 1950, Noel's ideals led him to put his talents at the service of the Council of Europe. Thus, from a tender age, he accumulated an irreplaceable degree of experience in European affairs.

Following his achievements under Mollet, it was quite natural that he was appointed executive secretary of the European Economic Community and then, following the merger of the executives, as secretary-general of the Commission.

He occupied the post from 1958 to 1987 and was at the heart of all the events which marked those 30 years, as periods of dynamism alternated with periods of stagnation and even the occasional damaging crisis.

A glutton for work, Noel mastered the administrative machine and, even at the most difficult moments, helped the Commission carry out its duty in the appropriate collegiate spirit.

He helped me greatly, from July 1984, when he worked hard to familiarise me with the internal life of the Commission at the same time as consulting national governments.

He was, I believe, one of the great architects of the Single European Act of 1986, which modified the Treaty of Rome, and which heralded a new age of European construction, enriching its aims and improving its decision-making process.

With total devotion, allied to a rare clarity, he always wore a gentle yet slightly enigmatic smile.

But for me, that inimitable smile reflected above all a profound goodness which the years and difficulties had not altered. Perhaps it also reflected the realistic understanding that he acquired through his contact with others, with their strengths and weaknesses.

After leaving the Commission, Noel ran the European Institute in Florence with vigour, until he left it with regret, since he saw it as another way in which to serve his ideal and to press ahead in the battle of ideas.

His advice was always sought. He gave of himself without counting the cost and without stinting. As he used to say himself, he stretched himself to the limit.

Like a gallant campaigner, he will be remembered for the immense efforts he made to the very end.

He will be sorely missed.

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